As part of our alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation (G.D.P.R. 2016/679) we inform you of the way we handle your data. Your consent is required in order to send you an email.

Show - Consent
The Company under the name "Livardas SA", as legally represented, hereby informs you about the lawful collection, processing and maintenance of your data in accordance with the provision of article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016) regarding the legality of the processing and requests your explicit consent, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDRP / EU 679/2016), about accepting the collection, processing and storage of your personal data for its business objectives and especially to perform purchase agreement. I hereby declare, in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDRP), expressly and without reservation that after I have been sufficiently informed, in a simple, clear and understandable way, about the maintenance and processing of my personal data by Livardas SA, I expressly and without reservation provide my consent to the maintenance and processing of my personal data.


Industrial Area of Thermi
57001, Thessaloniki - Greece
Tel. +30 2310463784

Working hours:  Under appointment / Monday to Friday: 09:00- 7:00


122 Vouliagmenis Avenue
16777, Elliniko - Athens

Working hours: Under appointment / Monday to Friday: 09:00- 7:00

*450m from subway station ARGIROUPOLI. Parking slots also available.